February 02, 2022

6 Reasons why email marketing is so important in digital marketing

Pranali Jadhav

Have you ever thought of expanding your business through emails? Do people really buy things via emails? Can your business increase sales with the help of emails? This article has the answer to all of these questions.
Email marketing is unrivalled in terms of importance when compared to other digital marketing tactics. It’s a strong tool that businesses of all sizes may use, from business-to-business (B2B) to business-to-consumer (B2C). You can use email marketing to acquire and engage leads, lower iterations, and increase repeat purchases, depending on your specific goals.
If you’re a digital marketing consultant, you’ll learn not only why email marketing is still relevant in 2021, but why having an email marketing plan is more important than ever before in this article./p>

Here are 6 reasons why email marketing should be a top priority for you:

1) Almost everyone uses it: There are 4 billion individuals that use email on a daily basis. By 2025, this figure is predicted to rise to 4.6 billion. According to a recent poll, 91 per cent of consumers use email. That alone should persuade you to explore the tool. Unless your industry makes up the other 9% (hint: it doesn’t), email is a fantastic way to communicate with clients. You may send them discounts, special offers, new products, and more, and they can share and forward those emails to whomever they choose. Encourage customers to share offers as much as possible with a strong email marketing plan.
Email is especially important in the B2B industry, with 73 per cent of organizations using it as their primary mode of communication.

2) Traffic Jam: How can you get your audience to see your amazing content? Almost certainly, you’ll send an email to them. You’ll drive visitors to your site and enhance your SEO by using email marketing campaigns. You’ll also keep your visitors interested in your business and website.
Many of you may have arrived at this website as a result of a Longart Consulting marketing email, for example. Because email is a terrific tool to deliver value to our audience, we use it to send our content and generate traffic.

3) Skyrocket your sales: Email marketing strategies have the ability to boost sales. Customers will be attracted to buy your items or services if you include them in your emails. An email can be used to communicate information about a sale, discount, or other promotional activity.
If any customer has expressed an interest in your product, you can send them automated informative messages that will increase their curiosity even more. When three abandoned cart emails are sent instead of one, 69 per cent more orders are generated. This is one of the most effective kinds of e-commerce email for increasing sales.

4) Unmatched ROI:When you consider the thousands and tens of thousands of dollars that go into paid advertising (both print and digital), email seems like a no-brainer. It’s time to start enjoying the benefits of email marketing, which is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies.
You may expect a £42 return on investment for every £1 spent on email marketing.

5)Mobile Rule: Every day, mobile users check their email three times more than desktop users or the fact that 70% of consumers use a mobile app to view their email. Mobile devices accounted for 63.4 per cent of all online page views in 2020.
When you hit “send” on an email, hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals are instantly notified via an electronic slab they carry in their pockets. Isn’t that incredible?
When you combine mobile devices with email marketing, you get an unrivalled edge in terms of speed and reach in your marketing.

6) Personalization: Every potential customer should have a distinct individualised value proposition. While marketing isn’t quite there yet, email marketing comes quite close to achieving this goal.
To begin, you might segregate your email lists according to whatever client characteristics you believe are important to your company. If you’re a sports brand, for example, you can segment your customers based on their favourite sports. This way, you can update your golf fans on your new golf equipment without bothering the baseball fan who only wants to hear about Major League Baseball.
Personalization is also favourably received by subscribers, as evidenced by the following findings:
– When an email is personalised, the average increase in open rates is 8%.
– When an email is personalized, the average click-through rate (CTR) increases by 14%.
– When an email is personalised, conversions improve by 10% on average.

If you need help with digital marketing, please contact us.



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