Some business people in small businesses think that they may know what the markets are like, what your customers want, etc.

Others think that market and marketing research is only for big business. The reality is that big businesses are big businesses because of their ability to understand markets and customers. These big businesses were once small businesses which understood the need to undertake market research. Now that they are big, they continue doing it on a larger scale.

Concepto de necesidades de información del consumidor de investigación de mercado

As a small or medium company, or a start-up You do not need to spend huge amounts of money either investigating potential markets (market research) or on marketing research (promotion and branding). We will advise you on cost-efficient ways to carry out effective research. You need to consider that the market today is constantly changing. You need to adapt or, even better, to lead your sector or industry by being there first.

We use several approaches to market research, from traditional attitudinal surveys to discrete choice experiments (aka conjoint analysis). The latter have much more discriminatory power to ascertain customer preferences. Regardless of the technique, we will provide advice and options that you can take, and you can see the results of conducting research on markets and consumers.

